The International Scientific Workshop Conference «KANYSH SATBAYEV AND EARTH SCIENCES»

Dear colleagues!

The International Scientific Workshop Conference titiled “Kanysh Satbayev and Earth Sciences”, dedicated to the 125th anniversary of Kanysh Imantaevich Satbayev, the great scientist, the founder and the first President of the National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan (NAS), academician and founder of the Institute of Geological Sciences (IGN) will take placein Almaty on 12th April 2024.

Aim: discussions of contemporary research results and the issues of the RK mineral resource base replenishment and expansion.

Issues of geology, hydrogeology, oil and gas complex, geoscience, metallogeny and problems of assessing industrial prospects of ore provinces will be discussed at the plenary and breakout sessions of the conference.

 The conference will be held in the following areas:

  1. Metallogeny of various geodynamic environments and problems of assessing the industrial prospects of ore provinces.
  2. Scientifically based new directions of exploration, in order to increase the efficiency of exploration at the present stage.
  3. The role of Academician K.I. Satpaev in development of the Kazakhstan’s oil and gas complex.
  4. Regularities of groundwater formation under arid conditions of Kazakhstan.
  5. Geo-inheritance of Central Asia

Venue: 69/94, Kabanbai Batyr st. (intersection with Valikhanov St.), Almaty, Kazakhstan.

Date and time of the event: 12th  April 2024, 10:00-18:00 h.

         Working languages: Kazakh, Russian, English


       Application for participation in the workshop conference:

Please, fill in the speaker’s registration form indicating your full name, academic degree, academic title, position, place of work, contact details (email address, mobile phone no.), your report theme and research field, and submit together with your report abstract (within 300 words) to the email address by 15st February, 2024


Tel: +7 727-291-46-86, +7 702 231 87 96


Chairman of the Council of young scientists: Tazhiev Sultan

Reports prepared as per the above requirements are to be emailed to: by    15st, February, 2024.

The conference proceedings:

A collection of report abstracts will be published by the beginning of the conference.

Important conference dates:

15st February 2024Deadline for submission of applications & abstracts
29st February 2024Notification of authors on acceptance of reports
12th  April 2024Work of the conference

Participation in the Conference is free of charge. The Organizing Committee reviews and selects papers to form the Scientific and Technical Programme (“the Programme”) and the Conference Proceedings. The conference participants are authors, and their reports are included in the conference programme to be made available to all applicants with the issuance of the 2nd information letter.

Travel and accommodation expenses are paid by participants.

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