Scientific and technical program: BR 21882211 “Groundwater resources as the main reserve of sustainable irrigated agriculture in Kazakhstan”   (2023-2025)

 Program goal is to provide scientific substantiation and geoinformation support of management decisions on the use and protection of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for land irrigation purposes.

 Program objectives:

  1. Generalization and analysis of factual data, archive and analytical materials on the peculiarities of the formation of exploitable reserves of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for land irrigation purposes.
  2. Regional expeditionary research to assess the current state of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for land irrigation purposes.
  3. Analysis and assessment of trends in changes in storage and renewable resources of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for land irrigation purposes, under the influence of climatic factors and anthropogenic pressures.
  4. Analysis and assessment of the availability, condition and prospects of groundwater using for ensuring sustainable irrigated agriculture in Kazakhstan.
  5. Creating of a database of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for land irrigation purposes, assessment of their resource potential for sustainable irrigated agriculture.
  6. Development and creation of a geoinformation-analytical subsystem of exploitable reserves of groundwater deposits in Kazakhstan, explored for irrigation, to assessment, forecasting and management decisions on their use and protection for sustainable irrigated agriculture.

Main results for 2023 :

The resource potential of groundwater deposits explored for land irrigation was assessed in 4 administrative regions of Western Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangystau) and the Zhaiyk-Caspian water basin.

Regional expeditionary studies were carried out to assess the current state of groundwater deposits explored for land irrigation, with sampling of groundwater and soils for chemical and laboratory studies in 4 administrative regions of Western Kazakhstan and the Zhaiyk-Caspian water basin. Ground field surveys were carried out in November 2023 by 4 field teams within the Aktobe, Mangistau, Atyrau and West Kazakhstan regions. The total length of route surveys was up to 7777 km, 30 wells were examined and 23 water samples were taken, as well as 36 soil samples. In general, we can conclude that, from an ecological point of view, the condition of the groundwater deposit areas is in good condition. No subsidence of soils or ground surface was detected. There are no processes of soil salinization or oppression of flora. From a sanitary point of view, no probable foci of soil and groundwater contamination have been identified.

 The total value of exploitable groundwater reserves in the Western region is estimated at 1.09 km3/year, including with mineralization up to 1 g/l – 0.60 km3/year. The region’s exploration of fresh groundwater is 22.7%. For the purpose of land irrigation, 8 groundwater deposits have been explored with the value of operational reserves – 200.34 thousand m3/day.

A geoinformation and analytical subsystem (GIAS) of operational groundwater reserves of deposits in Western Kazakhstan, explored for irrigation, has been developed and created in order to assess, forecast and make management decisions on their use and protection for sustainable irrigated agriculture in 4 administrative regions (Aktobe, Atyrau, West -Kazakhstan and Mangystau) and Zhaiyk-Caspian water basin. The system was filled with data from operational reserves of groundwater deposits in the administrative regions of Western Kazakhstan (Aktobe, Atyrau, West Kazakhstan and Mangistau) and the Zhaiyk-Caspian water basin. The system was created in ArcGIS. All information presented in GIAS is contained in semantic and graphical databases and a document database. An effective means of visualizing information is to present tabular information in the form of diagrams associated with certain territories on the map (regions, water basins, etc.). This forms the integrity of the idea of the studied object of the underground hydrosphere. The GIAS structure is not rigid and can be supplemented or changed in the process of solving practical hydrogeological problems. The results obtained correspond to the standards accepted for GIS. The content of GIAS satisfies all the requirements for the presentation of specialized hydrogeological information.


Topic of the scientific and technical program: “Assessment of fresh groundwater resources as the principal source and long-term reserve of sustainable drinking water supply to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.

Executor of the Program: Ahmedsafin Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience LLP.

The Program is aimed at scientific substantiation and geo-information and analytical support of sustainable drinking water supply to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to the fresh groundwater resources.


1) Assessment of the features in formation of renewable and predicted resources of fresh and slightly saline groundwater in the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of climatic and anthropogenic changes.

2) Regional studies to identify, prevent, mitigate or eliminate negative processes affecting groundwater resources as a result of anthropogenic and natural and climatic influences.

3) Assessment of availability, state and prospects of using fresh and slightly saline groundwater resources for drinking water supply to urbanized and rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4) Substantiation of prospective water demand and development of scenarios for sustainable drinking water supply to large and small cities, rural settlements.

5) Substantiation of options for drinking water supply to the urban and rural population in emergencies of a natural and man-made type.

6) Development of scenarios to manage the fresh groundwater resources in the event of transboundary threats.

7) Justification of ways to transfer the fresh groundwater for drinking purposes to water-deficient regions.

8) Development of recommendations to prevent, weaken or eliminate the negative processes affecting groundwater resources as a result of anthropogenic and natural and climatic influences.

9) Organization of the state reserve fund of undeveloped explored deposits of fresh groundwater.

10) Justification of the organization and creation of underground reservoirs to collect and store the flood runoff and meltwater.

11) Development and creation of a geo-information and analytical subsystem of fresh groundwater resources of drinking quality for assessing, forecasting and making managerial decisions on their use and protection.

Relevance: Many countries have had to use groundwater more frequently due to the shortage of fresh surface water. This is explained by the fact that groundwater, as a source of water supply, has a number of advantages over surface water. As a rule, groundwater is of better quality, more protected from pollution and contamination, less susceptible to seasonal and long-term fluctuations, and generally, its use does not require expensive water treatment measures. The trend of the maximum possible use of groundwater for drinking water supply to the population, especially due to the increased incidence of unforeseen (emergency) pollution of surface water sources, is currently becoming a determining factor in the overall global strategy of increasing the reliability of drinking water supply systems.

The relevance of the fresh groundwater resources development in Kazakhstan is increasing when solving the problems of acute water shortage. This problem was highlighted among the main global challenges in the 2050-Kazakhstan Strategy: “Water is an extremely limited resource and the struggle for possession of its sources is already becoming a major factor in geopolitics being one of the causes of stress and conflicts on the planet.” It was noted that “The problem of water supply is acute in our country. We do not have enough quality drinking water. A number of regions are in dire need of it”. The list of state tasks of the 6th Policy – “Green” economy and environmental protection of the 2025-Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the need to improve the efficiency of use and protection of water resources is highlighted.

The expected outcomes of the Program are aimed at effective management of national fresh groundwater resources to ensure sustainable drinking water supply for the country’s population in the long term. The research results will make a scientific and applied contribution to the development of arid hydrogeology in terms of the management of fresh groundwater resources to ensure sustainable drinking water supply for the population in the long term.

Argumentation of scenarios and options for effective development of proven fresh groundwater reserves contributes to an increase in the volume of available water resources within the implementation of state programs; attracting investments of national companies and private enterprises in the implementation of projects for centralized drinking water supply systems for urban and rural populations; improving the conditions for water supply to regions that suffer from a shortage of drinking water.

The social effect includes solving the problems of shortage of clean fresh water; increasing coverage of urban and rural population with centralized drinking water supply systems; practical implementation of scientifically grounded assessment and recommendation materials; ensuring public health; increasing the sustainability of water supply to the population and economic sectors; increasing national water security and sustainable development of the country.

INFORMATION about the program executors’ qualification and work experience, main publications, Hirsch Index, references to the profile in the database, role in achieving the goal and getting the expected results

Main results for 2021

A geoinformation-analytical subsystem of thermomineral and industrial groundwater of Western Kazakhstan has been developed.An assessment of the heat-energy, mineral-raw materials and health-improving potential of underground waters in Western Kazakhstan, the state and trends of changes in the hydrogeochemical indicators of underground waters in Western Kazakhstan under the influence of natural and climatic changes and anthropogenic loads, and recommendations for reducing negative consequences were carried out.

List of published works

  1. Section in the monograph:

Decarbonization of Extractive  Industries in the Republic of Kazakhstan: Potential and prospects for the development of hydrogeothermal energy in Kazakhstan (Absametov M.K., Каn S.M., MurtazinE.Zh.)//under edition of Doctor of Gelogical and Mineral Sciences SerikbekDaukey.-Nur-Sultan: Bi-PRINT.-2021.- P.137-155.

2.Каn S.М.,Itemen N.М., ТleuovaZh.T. Potential and prospects for the development of hydrogeothermal energy in the natural and economic systems of Kazakhstan //InternationalScientificandPracticalConference “WaterResourcesManagementintheContextofGlobalization», Almaty, 11-12 March 2021. P. 129-135

3.V.Rakhimova, T.Rakhimov, Eu.Sotnikov, O.Miroshnichenko, E.Murtazin, D.Muratkhan. Mathematical Model Of the Balkhash Lake Coastal Zone//48 IAH Congress, Inspiring Groundwater, Brussels Belgium, Book of Abstracts,  2021, p.156.


Main results for 2022

South and East Kazakhstan thermomineral and commercial groundwater geoinformation-analytical subsystem was designed and created.

While developing and creation of the subsystem, to evaluate groundwater state-of-the-art, in April – September 2022, regional expeditionary studies with groundwater samples taking for laboratory analysis were organized and carried out by five field parties within borders of Almaty, Kyzylorda, Zhambyl, Turkestan and East-Kazakhstan regions. Total length of site investigation reconnaissance was up to 40,000 km, explored were 135 wells (wells and springs) and 129 water samples were taken for chemical analysis and 32 samples for isotope analysis. Surface water, bittern, bottom and salt sediments of 20 saline lakes were explored additionally.

Computer models of «South and East Kazakhstan Industrial water», «South and East Kazakhstan mineral and thermomineral water» and «South and East Kazakhstan Thermal (heat energy) water» maps were developed. Maps are constructed in loops and are presented in the form of shape-files. Semantic database is supplemented with tabulated information.

Performed were collecting, consolidation and analysis of global experience of using and developing thermal, commercial and mineral water development scenarios, including by: potential of geothermal energy sources by continents; direct use of geothermal energy (MW, TJ/year, GW*h/year) by countries of the world; installed heat power (MW, TJ/year) by various use categories (thermal pumps, heating, greenhouses, drying of agricultural crops, industry and other); implemented commercial projects and chemical elements extraction methods (Zn, Li, Mn, Pb, Ag, Fe, Cu, S, Br, SiO2 etc.) from natural brines with the use of laboratory and pilot units; use of mineral water of different balneological type medicinally. 59 published information sources were examined.

Evaluation of South and East Kazakhstan groundwater heat energy, minerals and raw material and health and recreation potential was carried out. Heat energy potential of intermontane and platform artesian basins thermal aquifer systems geothermal water was estimated as 217.2 mln TJ; 60.35 mln MW; 7.4 bln tons of standard fuel, and potential of platform basins prevails – 74.7%. By rated temperature zones, heat energy potential is distributed as follows: 40–75°С – 71.8%; 75–100°С – 18.8%; >100°С – 9.4%. Annual heat energy potential of South Kazakhstan proven deposits is estimated as 3,370.6 TJ; 936,56 thousand MW and 114.76 thousand tons of standard fuel, and share of 3 heat energy water deposits (Zharkunak, Shaulder and Arys) – 85.9%.

Mineral-raw materials potential of industrial water was estimated for perspective areas of platform basins of South Kazakhstan. Natural mineral-raw materials potential of valuable components in industrial water of Shu-Sarysu basin equals to (thousand tons): lithium – 120.8; strontium – 2,805.8; iodine – 18.5; bromine – 2,987.9 and boron – 33.8; annual mineral-raw materials potential (thousand tons): lithium – 2.2; strontium – 51.2; iodine – 0.3; bromine – 54.5 and boron – 0.6. Natural mineral-raw materials potential of industrial water within limits of structures of South-Torgai basin is as follows (thousand tons): strontium – 556.5 and bromine – 156.2; forecasting annual mineral-raw materials potential (thousand tons): strontium – 10.2 and bromine – 2.8.

In the territory under study, explored were mono-, bi- and multicomponent medicinal-mineral water of 9 groups and 20 types. Cumulative commercial reserves were approved in the amount of 28.74 thousand m3/day, of which 96.2% of reserves and 35 deposits were explored in South Kazakhstan. Of special interest is medicinal-mineral water with mineralization of up to 10.0 g/l that is suitable for internal (drinking) consumption. It was found in 24 deposits/sites, and its proven commercial reserves are 22.94 thousand m3/day (79.8% of the cumulative quantity). Resource base of South and East Kazakhstan medicinal-mineral water allows enhancing range and arrange commercial bottling of table, medicinal-table and medicinal water of 12 types. Based on materials of previous works and field expeditionary studies carried out in 2022, found were 177 shows of medicinal-mineral water of 5 balneological groups

Collection, consolidation and analysis of published, archived and library materials and results of previously carried out hydrogeochemical studies of South and East Kazakhstan administrative regions main types of proven groundwater deposits was performed on the database of the Committee for Geology of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources (135 reports) and laboratory studies carried out in the Laboratory of chemico-analytical studies of Institute of Hydrogeology and Geoecology named after U.M. Akhmedsafin LLP for 2022. Analysis of examined materials allowed data systematization and information distribution.

Development and provisioning of geoinformation database of groundwater qualitative indicators in South and East Kazakhstan administrative regions main types of proven groundwater deposits were carried out. Software system Aquachem 11 was used in processing of chemical analysis results. Geoinformation database is supplemented with information about qualitative indicators of groundwater deposits based on data of field studies in 2022. Examined were 164 water intake structures with samples taken for chemical analysis. Additionally, isotope analysis of groundwater samples was carried out. Based on results of chemico-analytical studies, prepared were cumulative Tables of parameters for the development of special-purpose cartographic materials and geoinformation database of groundwater qualitative indicators.

Developed and drawn were cartographic materials related to the status of groundwater qualitative indicators for South and East Kazakhstan administrative regions main types of proven deposits.

Identified and evaluated were various designated purposes groundwater from main types of proven groundwater deposits chemical indicators dynamics and change trends under the impact of natural and climatic changes and man-made burden in South and East Kazakhstan. Revealing of changes caused by impact of natural and climatic factors was carried out by plotting linear trends that point out to directivity and possible order of groundwater resources variation value. Planned scenarios of climate change in any estimates will not result in any significant changes in groundwater useful resources rated values. Parameters of evaluation of groundwater proven deposits status and their change trends by analyzing a number of series of observations of indicators under study shall include: flow rates of water intake structure wells and water intake structures; groundwater levels; indicators of chemical composition and physical features of groundwater. Results of hydrogeochemical studies testify presence and spread of groundwater with different mineralization degree and diversity of composition. Laboratory studies of groundwater proven deposits samples showed the presence of fresh and low-brackish water with mineralization of up to 3.2 g/l, predominantly calcium bicarbonate and sodium type, less often bicarbonate-sulphate, sulphate-chloride calcium and sodium type. No additional man-made pollutions were found directly on production wells of groundwater deposits. Increased background fluorine content was noted.

List of published works for 2022

  1. Section in the monograph: M.Zh. Burlibayev, D.M. Burlibayeva, N.P. Ogar, E.Zh. Murtazin, S.K. Alimkulov, M.A. Askarova, A.A. Tursunova, et al. Environmental problems of the Ile River delta and ways to solve them. Section 7.Determination of the dynamics of groundwater levels of aquifers in the Ile River delta by seasons of the year, amplitude fluctuations, mean annual, minimum and maximum values//”Kaganat”, Almaty, 2022, pp.266-310.
  2. N.M. Itemen, E.Zh. Murtazin, M.K. Absametov. Extraction of lithium from reservoir brines of oil and gas fields in Southern Mangyshlak// Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 9-14.
  3. V.A. Smolyar, E.Zh. Murtazin, O.L. Miroshnichenko, L.Yu. Trushel. Formation of geoinformation system of thermo-mineral and industrial groundwater of Western Kazakhstan// Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 17-23.
  4. D.B. Chensizbaev, D.K. Adenova. Hydrogeological features of Shu-Sarasu province// Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 25-30.
  5. Zh.A. Onlasynov, Zh. Erikuly, M.M. Muratova, M.Zh. Akynbaeva. Dynamics of spectral indices of remote sensing data by the example of irrigated massifs of Eastern


Scientific and technical program: BR10965134 «Assessment of fresh groundwater resources as the principal source and long-term reserve of sustainable drinking water supply to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

Main results 2023

The following groundwater basins of the first order are characterized by the largest value of the predicted operational resources of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater, thousand m3/day: Zhetysu-Alatau – Balkash with the total amount of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater in the amount of 46,334.03; Priaralo-Torgai-Shu-Sarysusky – 27,400.950; Syrdarya – 19,826.60; West Siberian – 14,555.13 Zharmino-Rudno-Altai – 9,493.21. Insignificant values of the predicted operational resources of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater are noted in the territories of the basins, thousand m3/day: Amudarya – 78.95; Mangistausky – 219.37 and Shu-Ili – 479.35.

The predicted groundwater resources for the entire territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with mineralization up to 10 g/dm are 176,105.5 thousand m3/day, including with mineralization, g/dm: up to 1– 110 789,2; 1-3 – 44 943,0; 3-10– 20 373,30.

Fresh groundwater takes up 63%, and slightly brackish groundwater with a mineralization of 1-3 g/l – 25.5% of the total predicted resources. The main fresh groundwater resources, about 60% of the total predicted groundwater resources with mineralization up to 1 g/dm3 across the territory of Kazakhstan, are concentrated in Southern Kazakhstan, 14% in Eastern Kazakhstan, 13.3% Within the specified hydrogeological regions, uneven distribution is also noted by area of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater, with the presence of areas with its deficiency.

The largest value of the predicted operational resources of freshwater with mineralization up to 1 g/dm3 administrative regions are characterized, thousand m3/day: Zhetysu – 21963.3; Almaty – 17160.8; Zhambyl – 14933.0; Pavlodar – 10558.9; East Kazakhstan – 9680.7; Turkestan – 8461.1. Natural groundwater resources in the regions, thousand m3/day: Zhetysu – 22819.26; Almaty – 16096.43; Zhambyl -12004.02; Turkestan – 8221.22; East Kazakhstan – 8219.59. The predicted operating resources of freshwater with mineralization up to 1 g/dm3 in the following regions, thousand m3/day, are significantly smaller in size: Atyrau – 116.1; North Kazakhstan – 351.1 and Mangistau – 1372.0.

The studies carried out in the territories of hydrogeological regions and first-order basins did not reveal practically significant influences of natural-climatic changes and technogenesis processes on the amount of groundwater resources. This makes it possible to consider the values of the predicted operational resources of groundwater at this stage to be relatively constant.

The current use of groundwater for various purposes does not exceed 10% of its identified operational reserves. The amount of operational groundwater reserves explored for domestic and drinking water supply amounted to 20,243.047 thousand m3/day or 1,0 m3/day per person, and fresh groundwater suitable for drinking water supply – 38 977,346 thousand m3/day or 1,9 m3/day per person.  At the same time, due to the extremely uneven distribution of their reserves across the territory of Kazakhstan, in a number of regions, significant difficulties arise in organizing centralized water supply.

In connection with the problem of shortage of fresh water of drinking quality, it is proposed to change the intended purpose of part of the operational reserves of fresh groundwater deposits, explored for irrigation or for drinking water supply, but not exploited, and use them to cover the deficit in fresh drinking water in some territories of the Northern, Central and Western Kazakhstan. The total operational reserves for these fields, groundwater, which is proposed for transfer to water-scarce areas, amounted to 9702.3, thousand m3/day or 3,54 km3/year, and modern water intake does not exceed 519.96 thousand m3/day (0,19 km3/year) or 7.2% of the operational groundwater reserves. The total deficit of fresh groundwater in the water-scarce territories of Northern, Central and Western Kazakhstan is about 2250 thousand m3/day or 0,82 km3/year, and taking into account the prospects – 3252 thousand m3/day or 1,19 km3/year. Consequently, there are significant prospects for the redistribution of water resources between these regions of the republic.

The number of explored but undeveloped groundwater deposits in the Republic of Kazakhstan amounted to 368 groundwater deposits with the value of approved reserves 9291.43 thousand m3/day.

The structure of a geoinformation-analytical subsystem of fresh groundwater resources of drinking quality has been developed for assessing, forecasting and making management decisions on their use and protection of groundwater of the Republic of Kazakhstan within hydrogeological basins of the first order, administrative regions and water management basins.

List of publications:

1.V.Rakhimova. Hydrocycles For The Intensification Processes of Groundwater Treatment from Hexavalent Chromium Using In Situ Technology //48 IAH Congress, Inspiring Groundwater, Brussels Belgium, Book of Abstracts,  2021, p.101.

2. Zh.T. Tleuova, M.A. Mukhamedzhanov Environmental pollution and its impact on population health// Mountain Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 2, 2021, P.36-41  

3.Kairat Ospanov, Malis Absametov, Yermek Murtazin, Rustam Iskanderov. Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of the Almaty Wastewater, Storage System on the State of Groundwater// Journal of Ecological Engineering, DOI 10.12911/22998993/146352, 2022, 23(4), P.75–84, Scopus, Percentile 52 

4. M.K. Absametov, N.M. Itemen, Ye.Zh. Murtazin, E.Sh. Zhexembayev, T.Sh. Toktaganov, Features of the isotopic composition of groundwater in the Mangystau region// Izvestiya RK NAS, Geology series, engineering sciences, DOI 10.32014/2022.2518-170X.134, No.1, 2022, p.6-13 Scopus, Percentile 41

5. Zh.T.Tleuova, D.D. Snow, M.A. Mukhamedzhanov, E.Zh. Murtazin. Assessment of the impact of human activity on groundwater status of south Kazakhstan// Izvestiya RK NAS, Geology series, engineering sciences, No.2, 2022, p.217-229 Scopus, Percentile 41

6. V.A. Smolyar, O.L. Miroshnichenko, L.Y. Trushel, E.V. Sotnikov, V.M. Mirlas. Structure of the information system of Kazakhstan fresh groundwater resources// Izvestiya RK NAS, Geology series, engineering sciences, No.4, 2022, p.182-198, Scopus, Percentile 41

7.M. Absametov, J. Sagin, D. Adenovа, V. Smolyar, E. Murtazin. Assessment of the groundwater for household and drinking purposes in central Kazakhstan//Groundwater for Sustainable Development, No.21, 2023,, Scopus, Percentile 94

8.M.K. Absametov, E.Zh.Murtazin, V.V.Kulagin, A.T. Makyzhanova, A.Zh. Ismagulova. Infiltration and colmatation dynamics on physical models study by infiltration basins at artificial groundwater recharge//Water Conservation and Management (Malaysia),  Volume 7, Issue 1, Page 45 – 54, 2023 DOI 10.26480/wcm.01.2023.45.54, Scopus, Percentile 61

9. Multi-author monograph:Resource potential of Kazakhstan groundwater as a source of sustainable drinking water supply, M.K. Absametov, E.Zh. Murtazin, K.T. Ospanov et al./Edited by M.K. Absametov. – Almaty: 2023. – 304 p.

10. E.V. Sotnikov, O.L. Miroshnichenko, L.Y. Trushel, Sh.I. Gabdulina, Ye.Zh. Murtazin Forecasting the flooding processes of urban areas by methods of mathematical modeling by the example of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)// Izvestiya RK NAS, Geology series, engineering sciences., Volume 4. Number 460 (2023), p. 208-224, Scopus, Percentile 41

11. V.A. Smolyar, A.T. Toktar, A.A. Nugazieva, V.S. Rakhimova Evaluation of level of provision and status of fresh and low-saline groundwater resources in West Kazakhstan// Mountain Journal of Kazakhstan, 2023, No. 7,,    p. 22-30. (publication of the Committee for Ensuring Quality in Education)

12. M.K. Absametov, A.Zh. Zhakibaeva, E.Zh. Murtazin, Yu.N. Livinskiy, A.M. Dzhabasov. Evaluation of level of provision, status and prospects of using groundwater resources for drinking water supply to West-Kazakhstan region//Geography and water resources, 2023, No. 2, p.3-15.