Published in 2023:

1.Коллективная монография:Ресурсный потенциал подземных вод Казахстана как источник устойчивого питьевого водообеспечения, Абсаметов М.К., Муртазин Е.Ж., Оспанов К.Т. и др./Под редакцией М.К. Абсаметова. – Алматы: 2023. – 304 с.

2. M.Absametov, J.Sagin, D.Adenovа, V.Smolyar, E.Murtazin. Assessment of the groundwater for household and drinking purposes in central Kazakhstan//Groundwater for Sustainable Development, № 21, 2023,, Scopus, Percentile 91

3.D. Adenova, S.Tazhiyev, J. Sagin, M. Absametov, Ye.Murtazin, L.Trushel, O. Miroshnichenko, A.Zaryab.Groundwater Quality and Potential Health Risk in Zhambyl Region, Kazakhstan// Water, 2023, 5, 482., Percentile 77, Web of Science Q2

4.M.K. Absametov, E.Zh.Murtazin, V.V.Kulagin, A.T. Makyzhanova, A.Zh. Ismagulova. Infiltration and colmatation dynamics on physical models study by infiltration basins at artificial groundwater recharge//Water Conservation and Management (Малайзия),  Том 7, Выпуск 1, Стр. 45 – 54, 2023 DOI 10.26480/wcm.01.2023.45.54, Scopus, Percentile 67

5.Zhanna Tleuova, Daniel D. Snow, Murat Mukhamedzhanov,  Aray Ermenbay. Relation of Hydrogeology and Contaminant Sources to Drinking Water Quality in Southern Kazakhstan // Water, 2023,  №15, 4240., Scopus, Percentile 77, Web of Science Q2

6.Sotnikov E.V., Miroshnichenko O.L., Trushel L.Y., Gabdulina Sh.I., Murtazin Ye.Zh. Forecasting the flooding processes of urban areas by methods of mathematical modeling by the example of Pavlodar (Kazakhstan)// Известия НАН РК, серия геология, технические науки., Volume 4. Number 460 (2023), Стр. 208-224, Scopus, Percentile 41

7.Z.A.Onglassynov, L.V. Shagarova, M.M. Muratova. Satellite data spectral analysis under critical hydrogeological-amelioratory conditions of Golodnostepsky irrigation lands// E3S Web of Conferences 407, 02005 (2023) APEEM 2023,, Scopus, Percentile 25 

8. Смоляр В.А., Токтар А.Т., Нургазиева А.А., Рахимова В.С. Оценка обеспеченности и состояния ресурсов пресных и слабосолоноватых подземных вод Западного Казахстана//Горный журнал Казахстана, 2023, № 7,   стр. 22-30.(издание КОКСОН)

9.М.К.Абсаметов, А.Ж.Жакибаева, Е.Ж.Муртазин, Ю.Н.Ливинский, А.М.Джабасов. Оценка обеспеченности, состояния и перспектив использования ресурсов подземных вод для питьевого водообеспечения  Западно-Казахстанского региона//География и водные ресурсы, 2023, № 2, с.3-15.

10. Н.М.Итемен, Е.Ж.Муртазин. Оценка распространения лития в попутных пластовых рассолах нефтяных и газовых месторождений Западного Казахстана// Горный журнал Казахстана, № 1, 2023, стр.8-14.

 11. Д.Б. Ченсизбаев, Д.К. Аденова, К.Е. Кошпанова. Определение концентрации лития в промышленных водах Шу–Сарысуйской провинции методом электрофореза. Известия НАН РК, Серия химия и технологии, 2023, Volume № 1, стр 183-193,

12. Н.М.Итемен, Е.Ж.Муртазин, Е.Ш.Жексембаев, И.К.Рахметов. Особенности изотопного состава подземных вод Южного Мангышлака// Горный журнал Казахстана, 2023,  № 8, стр. 38-44,


– In foreign publications indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection, SCOPUS:

1.Ospanov, K., Rakhimov, T., Myrzakhmetov, M., Andraka, D. «Assessment of the impact of sewage storage ponds on the water environment in surrounding area». Water (Switzerland) 12(9),2483. 2020

2.М..A. Mukhamedzhanov, T. A. Rakhimov, I.K. Rakhmetov. Drinking groundwater of western Kazakhstan and the problems of their pollution. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management SGEM 2020, p. 473-480, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

3.M.A. Mukhamedzhanov, T. A. Rakhimov, I.K. Rakhmetov, D.B. Muratkhanov. Problem of drinking water supply to population of Mangistau and West-Kazakhstan regions. International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management SGEM 2020, p.693-700, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

4.S. Kan, O. Kalugin, Sh. Kurmangaliyeva, Zh. Tleuova  Research of therapeutic mud litter Arasan-Kundyzdy in the Almaty region by geophysical methods/20th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM.-2020. Conference Proceedings SGEM2020: Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing, Issue 2.2, Section: Hydrogeology, Engineering geology and Geotechnics. Volume 20 – Albena, 2020. – p.723-730, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704

5.Absametov, K.Svetlakova, M. Muratova Hydrogeological cross-sections digitalization // International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference Surveying Geology and Mining Ecology Management SGEM 2020. Cartography and GIS, Albena, 2020. – p. 373-380. ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

6.E.Zh.Murtazin, O.L.Miroshnichenko, L.Yu.Trushel. Geoinformational model of groundwater resources and reserves of South Kazakhstan 20th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2020, Сonference proceedings Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Issue 1.2, 2020, Albena, Bulgaria, p. 539-546, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

7.A.M.Yermenbay, S.V.Osipov, Yu.N.Livinsky. Groundwater anthropogenic pollution in the oil and gas fields of Kazakhstan/ 20th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2020, Сonference proceedings Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Issue, 2020, Albena, Bulgaria, p. 561-568, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

8.M.A.Mukhamedzhanov, T.A.Rakhimov, I.K.Rakhmetov, D.B.Muratkhanov. Recommendations on prevention, elimination and mitigation of climatic change negative effect on the groundwater in Kazakhstan/ 20th International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference & EXPO SGEM 2020, Сonference proceedings Science and Technologies in Geology, Exploration and Mining Issue 1.2, 2020, Albena, Bulgaria, p.707-714, ISBN 978-619-7408-80-5, ISSN 1314-2704.

– in domestic publications indexed by the Web of Science Core Collection, incl. recommended by the Control Committee in Education under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1.Y.Z.Murtazin, O.L.Miroshnichenko, L.Y.Trushel. Creation of computer models of the maps of groundwater availability in Kazakhstan// News of the Academy of sciences of the Republic Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2020. – № 2 (440). – P. 114-122.

2.S.V.Osipov, A.M.Yermenbai, A.Zh. Akylbekova. The negative impact of anthropogenic factors on the state of groundwater of Kazakhstan // NEWS of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences.- № 2.- Алматы.- 2020.- С. 132-140.

3.M.A.Muhamedzhanov, Jay Sagin, T.A.Rakhimov. Developing scenarios of sustainable water-supply for Kazakhstan population and economy under climatic and antropogenic changes at the regional, national and transboundary levels until 2030// News of the National Academy of sciences of the Republic Kazakhstan. Series of geology and technical sciences. – 2020. – № 3 (441). – P. 6-15.

– in other publications, incl.  in conference proceedings

1.А. Yermenbay,  L. Shagarova, М. Absametov, Prospects of water supply with fresh groundwater under anthropogenic impact conditions  // Geolink International Conference 2020.- Vol. 2 – Plovdiv, Bulgaria. – P. 259-267.

2.L. Shagarova, M. Muratova, A. Yermenbay. Processing and qualitative visualization in pseudo-true colors of long-term series of satellite data // Geolink International Conference 2020.- Vol. 2 – Plovdiv, Bulgaria. – P. 249-258.

3. Kan S. M., Kalugin O. A., Kurmangalieva Sh. G. Otsenka informativnosti geofizicheskogo profilirovaniya nekotorykh deposits curative mud Almaty region/ / Zh. Geologiya, geografiya i globalnaya energiya: Astrakhan State University.- Astrakhan, 2020. – No. 1. – p. 90-93

4. Miroshnichenko O. L., Trushel L. Yu., Murtazin E. Zh. Maps of resources and reserves of underground waters of Kazakhstan as a component of the information system//Geology and subsurface protection. – 2020. – № 2 (75). – Pp. 79-88.

5. Kan S. M., Kalugin O. A., Nurpeisov R. A. Features of the temperature regime of manifestations of therapeutic mud in the eastern districts of the Almaty region .- Almaty.-2020. – No. 1. – p. 22-29.