Ahmedsafin Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geoscience LLP.


Аt scientific substantiation and geo-information and analytical support of sustainable drinking water supply to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to the fresh groundwater resources.


1) Assessment of the features in formation of renewable and predicted resources of fresh and slightly saline groundwater in the Republic of Kazakhstan in conditions of climatic and anthropogenic changes.

2) Regional studies to identify, prevent, mitigate or eliminate negative processes affecting groundwater resources as a result of anthropogenic and natural and climatic influences.

3) Assessment of availability, state and prospects of using fresh and slightly saline groundwater resources for drinking water supply to urbanized and rural areas of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4) Substantiation of prospective water demand and development of scenarios for sustainable drinking water supply to large and small cities, rural settlements.

5) Substantiation of options for drinking water supply to the urban and rural population in emergencies of a natural and man-made type.

6) Development of scenarios to manage the fresh groundwater resources in the event of transboundary threats.

7) Justification of ways to transfer the fresh groundwater for drinking purposes to water-deficient regions.

8) Development of recommendations to prevent, weaken or eliminate the negative processes affecting groundwater resources as a result of anthropogenic and natural and climatic influences.

9) Organization of the state reserve fund of undeveloped explored deposits of fresh groundwater.

10) Justification of the organization and creation of underground reservoirs to collect and store the flood runoff and meltwater.

11) Development and creation of a geo-information and analytical subsystem of fresh groundwater resources of drinking quality for assessing, forecasting and making managerial decisions on their use and protection.


Many countries have had to use groundwater more frequently due to the shortage of fresh surface water. This is explained by the fact that groundwater, as a source of water supply, has a number of advantages over surface water. As a rule, groundwater is of better quality, more protected from pollution and contamination, less susceptible to seasonal and long-term fluctuations, and generally, its use does not require expensive water treatment measures. The trend of the maximum possible use of groundwater for drinking water supply to the population, especially due to the increased incidence of unforeseen (emergency) pollution of surface water sources, is currently becoming a determining factor in the overall global strategy of increasing the reliability of drinking water supply systems.

The relevance of the fresh groundwater resources development in Kazakhstan is increasing when solving the problems of acute water shortage. This problem was highlighted among the main global challenges in the 2050-Kazakhstan Strategy: “Water is an extremely limited resource and the struggle for possession of its sources is already becoming a major factor in geopolitics being one of the causes of stress and conflicts on the planet.” It was noted that “The problem of water supply is acute in our country. We do not have enough quality drinking water. A number of regions are in dire need of it”. The list of state tasks of the 6th Policy – “Green” economy and environmental protection of the 2025-Strategic Development Plan of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the need to improve the efficiency of use and protection of water resources is highlighted.

The expected outcomes of the Program are aimed at effective management of national fresh groundwater resources to ensure sustainable drinking water supply for the country’s population in the long term. The research results will make a scientific and applied contribution to the development of arid hydrogeology in terms of the management of fresh groundwater resources to ensure sustainable drinking water supply for the population in the long term.

Argumentation of scenarios and options for effective development of proven fresh groundwater reserves contributes to an increase in the volume of available water resources within the implementation of state programs; attracting investments of national companies and private enterprises in the implementation of projects for centralized drinking water supply systems for urban and rural populations; improving the conditions for water supply to regions that suffer from a shortage of drinking water.

The social effect includes solving the problems of shortage of clean fresh water; increasing coverage of urban and rural population with centralized drinking water supply systems; practical implementation of scientifically grounded assessment and recommendation materials; ensuring public health; increasing the sustainability of water supply to the population and economic sectors; increasing national water security and sustainable development of the country.




A geoinformation-analytical subsystem of thermomineral and industrial groundwater has been developed. An assessment was made of the heat-energy, mineral, raw material and healing potential of groundwater, the state and trends in changes in the hydrogeochemical parameters of groundwater under the influence of natural and climatic changes and anthropogenic loads, and recommendations for reducing negative consequences.

The natural thermal energy potential of thermal waters of the artesian basins of Northern (South Torgai) and Central (Priirtysh) Kazakhstan for a temperature zone of 40-75°C is estimated at 29.3 million TJ; 8.15 billion MW; 998.2 million TTU, with the share of the Irtysh basin being 95.4%. Within the previously identified Teniz province, industrial waters with standard content of components (bromine and iodine) have not been identified. Single- and bicomponent medicinal mineral waters of 9 groups and 17 types have been explored on the territory of Northern and Central Kazakhstan. The total operational reserves of 35 fields are estimated at 9.49 thousand m3/day, of which 88.8% have been explored in Northern Kazakhstan.

The thermal energy potential of Kazakhstan’s hydrogeothermal resources with temperatures from 40°C to more than 100°C is estimated for an area of 1.37 million km2 (50.3% of the republic’s area) across 8 sedimentary (artesian) basins and amounts to 38.65 billion TTU ( ton of equivalent fuel) with an average module (density) potential of 21.18 thousand TEU/km2. The temperature zone (40-75°C) was identified in all 8 basins on 73.1% of the assessment area, and the thermal energy potential of the zone was estimated at 18.43 billion TEU or 47.7%, with an average potential module of 18.39 thousand. HERE/km2. The temperature zone (75-100°C) was found on the territory of 5 basins on 18.5% of the assessment area, and the thermal energy potential of the zone was estimated at 12.55 billion TEU or 32.5%, with an average module (density) of potential of 49. 58 thousand TU/km2. The temperature zone (˃100°C) was identified only in 3 basins and the thermal energy potential was estimated at 7.67 billion TEU or 19.8%, with an average potential module of 66.15 thousand TEU/km2. In general, in the regions of the republic, the highest values of the heat and power potential of hydrogeothermal resources are noted for the Mangystau, West Kazakhstan and Atyrau regions of Western Kazakhstan; Pavlodar region of Northern Kazakhstan; Turkestan and Almaty regions of Southern Kazakhstan.

For the Republic of Kazakhstan, the total natural mineral resource potential of industrial brines of 4 provinces is estimated by 4 components, thousand tons: lithium – 241.26; strontium – 17995.71; iodine – 391.54 and bromine – 12868.62. The forecast annual mineral resource potential of industrial brines in the region is (thousand tons): lithium – 4.72; strontium – 354.04; iodine – 7.27 and bromine – 239.64.

The dynamics and trends in changes in the chemical indicators of groundwater for various purposes in the main explored types of deposits in Northern and Central Kazakhstan under the influence of natural and climatic changes and anthropogenic loads have been identified and assessed. Laboratory studies of samples from explored groundwater deposits showed the presence of fresh and slightly brackish waters with mineralization up to 2 g/l. Exceeding quality standards for drinking water, especially in terms of mineralization content, may require additional measures to ensure fresh drinking water. Based on the results of samples taken for 2023, an increased background content of fluorine and nitrites was noted at certain fields. No additional anthropogenic pollution was detected directly at the production wells of groundwater deposits. An increased background fluorine content was noted. The planned climate change scenarios, under any assessments, will not lead to any significant changes in the estimated values of operational groundwater resources.


1.V.Rakhimova, T.Rakhimov, Eu.Sotnikov, O.Miroshnichenko, E.Murtazin, D.Muratkhan. Mathematical Model Of the Balkhash Lake Coastal Zone//48 IAH Congress, Inspiring Groundwater, Brussels Belgium, Book of Abstracts,  2021, Р.156

2. Decarbonization of the extractive industries of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Potential and prospects for the development of hydrogeothermal energy in Kazakhstan (Absametov M.K., Kan S.M., Murtazin E.Zh.) / ed. acad. NAS RK S.Zh.Daukey.-Nur-Sultan: Bi-ПРИНТ.-2021, pp.137-155

3. N.M.Itemen, E.Zh.Murtazin, M.K.Absametov. Extraction of lithium from reservoir brines of oil and gas fields of Southern Mangyshlak // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 9-14. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

4. V.A. Smolyar, E.Zh.Murtazin, O.L.Miroshnichenko, L.Yu.Trushel. Formation of a geoinformation system of thermal mineral and industrial groundwater in Western Kazakhstan // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 17-23. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

5. D.B.Chensizbaev, D.K.Adenova. Hydrogeological features of the Shu-Sarasu province // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2022, No. 8, pp. 25-30(publication recommended by the CQASE)

6. Zh.A.Onlasynov, Zh.Erikuly, M.M.Muratova, M.Zh.Akynbaeva. Dynamics of spectral indices of remote sensing data using the example of irrigated areas of Eastern Kazakhstan//3i-Intellect, idea, innovation – intelligence, idea, innovation, No. 3, 2022, pp. 134-141. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

7. M.K.Absametov, Z.A.Onglassynov, L.V.Shagarova, M.M.Muratova. GIS-assessment of groundwater supply to the population and branches of the economy of Kazakhstan with accounting for long-term water demand // News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Series of Geology and Technical Sciences, No. 6, 2022. P.8-18, Scopus, Percentile 41

8. Muratkhanov D.B., Rakhimov T.A., Rakhmetov I.K. Forecast for preventing negative anthropogenic loads in the Balkhash region using mathematical modeling // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 11, 2022, pp. 55-61. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

9. D.S.Sapargaliyev, E.Zh.Murtazin, V.A.Smolyar, R.A.Nurpeisov. Prospects for the development of fresh groundwater from the Cretaceous deposits of the Zhemsky artesian basin in the Aktobe region // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 11, 2022, pp. 22-28. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

10. Zh.A.Onlasynov, L.V.Shagarova. GIS assessment of the state of the Maktaral irrigation array and the possibility of recycling collector and drainage water //3i-Intellect, idea, innovation – intelligence, idea, innovation, No. 4, 2022, pp. 158-164. (publication recommended by the CQASE)

11. Z.A. Onglassynov, L.V. Shagarova, M.M. Muratova. Satellite data spectral analysis under critical hydrogeological-amelioratory conditions of Golodnostepsky irrigation lands// E3S Web of Conferences 407,, 02005 (2023) APEEM Scopus, Percentile 25

12. N.M.Itemen, E.Zh.Murtazin. Assessment of the distribution of lithium in associated formation brines of oil and gas fields of Western Kazakhstan // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 1, 2023, pp. 8-14. . (publication recommended by the CQASE)

13. D.B. Chensizbaev, D.K. Adenova, K.E. Koshpanova. Determination of lithium concentration in industrial waters of the Shu-Sarysu province by electrophoresis. Izvestia NAS RK, Series chemistry and technology, 2023, Volume No. 1, pp. 183-193, . (publication recommended by the CQASE)

14. N.M.Itemen, E.Zh.Murtazin, E.Sh.Zheksembaev, I.K.Rakhmetov. Features of the isotopic composition of groundwater in Southern Mangyshlak // Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, 2023, No. 8, pp. 38-44, . (publication recommended by the CQASE)



Made assessment of the formation features, renewable and prognostic resources of fresh and slightly subsaline groundwaters for hydrogeological regions, water management basins and administrative provinces of South and East Kazakhstan. The contribution of climatic changes in the amount of precipitation to the predicted changes in the levels and discharges of groundwater is only 10-30%, which will not lead to any significant changes in the calculated values ​​of prognostic production resources. A change in the supply of groundwaters, leading to an increase or decrease in their prognostic resources is mainly associated with a change in the water management situation – construction of reservoirs, channels, pipeline leakage in urban areas, etc. In areas of concentration of large water intake or water-reducing systems, large depression funnels are formed, which can lead to the depletion of groundwater reserves. At present, due to the lack of reliable data on the supply of groundwaters depending on climate change, the values ​​of groundwater prognostic resources can be considered relatively constant.

Regional studies have been carried out on the territory of the administrative regions of Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan to identify, prevent, mitigate or eliminate negative processes affecting groundwater resources. Reliable evidence of the impact of possible climate change on water resources has not yet been identified in the course of research. The observed slight decrease in the level of groundwaters on alluvial fans and foothill plains of a number of groundwater deposits without an increase in water intake is probably caused by the present period of dry years and a decrease in the amount of groundwater recharge. The direction of anthropogenic changes in the underground hydrosphere was identified, mainly in the form of hydrogeochemical changes in groundwater, caused by pollution of the latter with gas, liquid and solid waste caused by transport, industry, agriculture and energy facilities. Fresh groundwater pollution is of particular concern. The greatest groundwater pollution is noted in the territories of cities and industrial areas of Almaty, East Kazakhstan and Turkestan and Zhambyl provinces. In the Kyzylorda region, the extent of pollution is not high. In the zones of influence of 72% of groundwater deposits, the identified pollution is characterized by a dangerous and extremely dangerous extent of pollution. At the same time, pollution is not observed at the water intakes themselves and the water supplied to the consumer meets the quality requirements for drinking water.

An assessment was made of the availability, condition and prospects for the use of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater resources for drinking water supply in the Eastern, Zhetysu, Eastern and Southern urbanized zones, rural areas of the regions of Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan; Almaty, East Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions, the territory of which is characterized by significant explored reserves of fresh and slightly brackish groundwater. According to the degree of availability of explored reserves of groundwater for household and drinking purposes, as well as forecast resources of groundwater with salinity up to 3 g/dm3, all regions of Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan are classified as secured territories.

The prospective water demand was substantiated and scenarios of sustainable drinking water supply for the capital Nur-Sultan, 8 large, 12 large, 7 medium and 59 small cities were developed due to the explored operational reserves of fresh groundwater. To involve as an additional water source to ensure drinking water supply in Astana, the most promising proven deposits and areas with approved groundwater reserves have been selected. To ensure the current and prospective water demand of the city, 3 options for the use of groundwater deposits have been developed and a scenarios map for the sustainable water supply of the city has been compiled. An analysis of the water supply of the urban and rural population has been made. In general, the population of Kazakhstan is fully provided with proven reserves of groundwater of economic and drinking quality, not only at the present level, but also in the long term. The urban population is better provided with groundwater production reserves compared to the rural population.

Substantiated options for drinking water supply of urban and rural population of Western, Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan in natural and man-caused emergencies. The factual material analysis made it possible to single out cities according to the degree of preparedness of water supply systems for the conditions of a special period: those with operating groundwater intakes that meet the needs of a special period and do not require reconstruction for this purpose – corresponding to option 1 of the water supply scenario; whose water demand can be met by the approved groundwater reserves at undeveloped deposits and sites, subject to the construction of water intake facilities before the start of the special period – the 2nd option of the scenario for water supply; The 3rd option of water supply is the involvement in operation of reserve groundwater deposits with approved reserves. Resulted in preparation of information on the readiness of domestic water supply of categorized cities and rural districts of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the conditions of a special period.

Significant fresh groundwater resources have been identified on the territory of the Republic in the deposits of alluvial fans, artesian basins and river plains, which are currently practically not exploited and are proposed to be used to cover the deficit in fresh drinking water in some territories of Western, Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan The transfer of a part of drinking quality groundwater to water-stressed areas will not cause significant damage if they can be used for land irrigation or water supply in case of such a need, since the value of the proposed groundwater reserves for transfer is 34% of their total value.

Based on a comprehensive assessment of transboundary aquifers, they developed recommendations to reduce transboundary threats associated with depletion and pollution of fresh groundwater aquifers with neighboring states.

Recommendations have been developed to prevent, mitigate or eliminate negative processes affecting groundwater resources in the administrative provinces of Western and Southern Kazakhstan.

Reserve organization of one of the most important strategic life support resources – groundwater resources, was substantiated. Undeveloped proven groundwater deposits for drinking purposes were proposed as a long-term reserve. The following criteria are proposed for the establishment of Conservation Fund from proven, but undeveloped groundwater deposits: the extent of development (not operated), the value of salinity corresponding to the quality of drinking water for these regions, the value of approved reserves (at least 1.0 thousand m3/day), and genetic types of deposits.

Physical-geographical, geological-geomorphological, hydrogeological conditions of the regions of Southern and Eastern Kazakhstan are very diverse. The main criteria for selecting certain technological schemes for establishment of underground reservoirs in a particular area are: the presence of an aquifer in which additional volumes of water can be placed; the availability of additional volumes of water to replenish groundwater reserves, the quality of which meets the requirements of the consumer; the presence of a water consumer and his need for water; economic expediency.

The system was filled with general hydrogeological information and environmental data, groundwater monitoring results, data on groundwater deposits, resources and reserves, groundwater pollution and protection, provision of fresh groundwater resources in the administrative provinces of South and East Kazakhstan. The system includes general hydrogeological data, information on the distribution of groundwater resources in the Aral-Syrdarya, Balkash-Alakol and Shu-Talas water management basins, classification of groundwater deposits by purpose, genetic type and production value of fresh groundwater reserves. The system has been supplemented with general hydrogeological information and data on the groundwater deposits of the Zhetysu-Alatau-Tienshan and Altai-Tarbagatai mountain-folded regions.


  1. Kairat Ospanov, Malis Absametov, Yermek Murtazin, Rustam Iskanderov. Comprehensive Assessment of the Impact of the Almaty Wastewater, Storage System on the State of Groundwater// Journal of Ecological Engineering, DOI 10.12911/22998993/146352, 2022, 23(4), P.75–84, Scopus, Percentile 52
  2. Q. Mahdawi, J. Sagin, M. Absametov, A. Zaryab. Water Recharges Suitability in Kabul Aquifer System within the Upper Indus Basin //Water, 2022, 14, 2390., Scopus, Percentile 77
  3. Absametov M.K., Itemen N.M., Murtazin E.Zh, Zhexembayev Ye.Sh., Toktaganov T.Sh., Features of the isotopic composition of groundwater in the Mangystau region// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, geology series, technical sciences, DOI 10.32014/2022.2518-170X.134, №1, 2022, p.6-13Scopus, Percentile 47
  4. Zh.T. Tleuova, D.D. Snow, M.A. Mukhamedzhanov, E.Zh. Murtazin. Assessment of the impact of human activity on groundwater status of south Kazakhstan// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, geology series, technical sciences, №2, 2022, p.217-229 Scopus, Percentile 47
  5. V.A. Smolyar, O.L. Miroshnichenko, L.Y. Trushel, E.V. Sotnikov, V.M. Mirlas. Structure of the information system of Kazakhstan fresh groundwater resources// News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, geology series, technical sciences, No. 4, 2022, pp. 182-198, Scopus, Percentile 47


INFORMATION about the program executors’ qualification and work experience, mainpublications, Hirsch Index, referencestotheprofileinthedatabase, role in achieving the goal and expected outcomes


The study of basic conditions for formation of fresh and slightly alkalinized groundwater resources, taking into account development of technogenesis processes and changes in climatic conditions. The areas on the territory of Western Kazakhstan that are most susceptible to the technogenesis processes, affecting the quality of groundwater and their resources, have been identified. The prospects of using fresh and slightly alkalinized groundwater resources for drinking water supply in the Western, Atyrau, Aktobe and Aktau urbanized zones and rural areas are assessed. A geoinformation and analytical subsystem of drinking-quality groundwater resources has been developed for assessment, forecasting, their rational use and protection within the Caspian lowland, the Aral-Caspian downfold and the Zhaiyk-Caspian hydroeconomic basin.

List of published works

  1. Osipov S.V., LivinskyYu.N., Ermenbay A.M. Groundwater resources of Kazakhstan as the basis for population sustainable water supply// International scientific and practical conference “Water resources management in the context of globalization”, Almaty, March 11-12, 2021 p. 157-163.
  2. Absametov M.K., MurtazinE.Zh. State and prospects of the groundwater use for agriculture in Kazakhstan//International scientific and practical conference “Water resources management in the context of globalization”, Almaty, March 11-12, 2021. p. 105-110.
  3. V. Rakhimova. Hydrocycles For The Intensification Processes of Groundwater Treatment from Hexavalent Chromium Using In Situ Technology // 48 IAH Congress, Inspiring Groundwater, Brussels Belgium, Book of Abstracts, 2021, p. 101.
  4. Tleuova Zh.T., Mukhamedzhanov M.A. Environmental pollution and its impact on population health//Mining Journal of Kazakhstan, No. 2, 2021, p. 36-41.